Alternative futures and new perspectives: stories from the wondermash’ pluriverse.
A Pluriverse of Stories ~ Ep3
Humans are deeply networked beings, not just because of our digital connections, but because of our biological ones. Can you feel you are part of an ecosystem? Episode 3 of A Pluriverse of Stories up now.
Let’s build cathedrals with a Futures Consciousness
We need ultra long term thinking to solve the wicked world problems we are facing today.
You are Multitudes
You think about yourself as a single individual but our bodies provide ecosystems for countless of microbes we are intimately intertwined with
A Pluriverse of Stories ~ Ep2
In the second episode of a Pluriverse of Stories we explore biomimicry as a speculative pathway to creating multi-generational, multi-species societies.
Drexciya and Black Atlantic culture
Can the creation of a Black Atlantic culture reimagine a stolen history? Let’s take a look at Drexciya, the music duo ánd the legendary underwater colony they imagined.
Ode’s Operation
A short speculative story that extrapolates possible consequences of embryonic personhood in the future, created in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022.
Panarchy, the future and death
All systems reinforce themselves, humans are no exception. Should we take all our institutions and systems into the future or is it time to cut our losses?
A Pluriverse of Stories ~ Ep1
Orgasmic birth, artificial wombs and a radical new philosophical perspective on pregnancy: the first episode of A Pluriverse of Stories is here.
Prehistoric human migration patterns call for different perspective of ‘Spaceship Earth’
The incorrect small size and periferal position of Africa on most world maps belies the importance of the continent to our human species. Let’s explore a perspective more true to historic ánd current times.
A pluriversal approach to urban planning
Modern urban planning keeps cities liveable amidst growing populations and global warming. It is also very human-focused. Let’s explore a pluriversal approach.
A safe space for birth futures
Reproductive care is transforming rapidly. Abortion rights are rolled back, c-section rates are soaring while doula’s are a growing profession. What will the future of birth look like?
What most sci-fi prototyping gets wrong
Science-fiction prototyping offers a way to experiment with the implications of tech before it is actually invented. But most sci-fi prototyping leaves a lot to be desired.
A New Node
A short, speculative story on the future of birth that explores birth-care in a post-apocalyptic Scandinavian agri-community.
We need more plastic
The EU has pledged to use 10 million tons of recycled plastic in new products by 2025. So we need more plastics. Recycled plastics.
Toggling macro and micro perspectives for flourishing in unstable times
Could rethinking of ourselves as planets connect us with the earth system and rethink humanity’s place in it?
Resilient urban ecologies start with knowing the Others
Some species seek out the city as habitat - humans of course, but also peregrine falcons and other birds. To create cities where humans and non-humans flourish they need to see each other first.
Humans of Utrecht
This project for the City of Utrecht Archive was a humbling lesson in unlearning stereotypes.
Nature as building partner
Constructing international ports and nature development are don’t have to be at odds: watch nature be co-constructor in large infrastructural projects.
Disrupting worldviews with maps
Your world view is most likely based on a four and a half century old map that distorts the true size of countries and centres Europe as a superpower.