A Pluriverse of Stories ~ Ep2

A Pluriverse of Stories is a somewhat monthly newsletter crammed with mixed-media artwork, speculative stories of alternative nows and speculative futures, curated by wondermash and published on Linkedin. Subscribe now.


Episode 2: Fungal Biocracies, Living Buildings and A Letter from the Soil

What will the societies of the future look like? Where will we live? Dive in sci-fi literature and movies and you see cities made of mysterious, glittering metals stretching out ominously till eternity, floating space colonies showcasing technological wit and terrifying beauty. But what if towns of the future aren’t built, but grown - by fungi? Not under control of humans, but self-organised biocracies?

In the second episode of a Pluriverse of Stories we explore biomimicry as a speculative pathway to creating multi-generational, multi-species societies.


You are Multitudes


Drexciya and Black Atlantic culture