A Pluriverse of Stories ~ Ep1

A Pluriverse of Stories is a somewhat monthly newsletter crammed with mixed-media artwork, speculative stories of alternative nows and speculative futures, curated by wondermash and published on Linkedin. Subscribe now.


Episode 1: Wombology, Pregnant Cyborgs and the Future of Birth

Telling stories is the oldest way of sharing wisdom and knowledge. Orgasmic birth, artificial wombs and a radical new philosophical perspective on pregnancy: the first episode of A Pluriverse of Stories is here.

Dearest reader,

I hate to break it to you, but the world around you doesn’t exist. We are tricked into believing there is one world out there, one way of observing it and one right way of doing things. When in fact we live in a pluriverse of multiple, overlapping worlds, co-existing and influencing each other. Understanding this relational world and the different co-existing perspectives is key to fixing what’s broken in our society.

With A Pluriverse of Stories I offer radical new perspectives on critical themes. This first episode focuses on birth. We explore what it looks like today and how it might change in the future, from orgasmic birth and artificial wombs to a radical new philosophical perspective.


Panarchy, the future and death

