Alternative futures and new perspectives: stories from the wondermash’ pluriverse.

society, future speculation Marjolein Pijnappels society, future speculation Marjolein Pijnappels

Exploring Dynamic Eco-Calendars for a Modern World

When we cut ourselves loose from natural cycles, we traded connection for comfort. Our disconnect from the natural cycles and seasonal woes has enabled us to grow and consume far beyond the carrying capacity of our planet’s ecosystem. To restore the connection with our biological cycles and ecosystems, join me on a trip to the island of Pongso no Tao, before travelling back in time to the pre-Christian, Dutch delta.

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society, technology Marjolein Pijnappels society, technology Marjolein Pijnappels

Ecological Calendars for Modern Society

Join me on a trip to Pongso no Tao island, before embarking on a journey to the future of a floating city in the south of the Netherlands. This was the starting point of my lecture at the "Re-patterning our Seasonal Cultures" symposium in September ‘23 at the University of Bergen.

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