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Panarchy provides a framework for the adaptive, alternating cycles (eco)systems go through. It iterates between growth (r), conservation (K), collapse/release (Ω) and reorganization (α) at multiple levels.

It is based on the natural cycles of life that alternate between growth and death. Look for example at forests and how they develop over time. A new forest is growing fast, consisting of pioneering species. This is the ‘r’ or growth phase. Eventually the species in the forest will reach a for of equilibrium or stability, the conservation phase (K). Stability is not a tranquil state of being, it is a tug-of-war between various species, processes and at some point (part of the) forest will collapse (Ω) due to disease, logging, fire, etc., releasing the potential that has been accumulating in the conservation phase. This will enable the forest to enter the reorganization phase (α), often with new species, to start the cycle all over again.