Diving into the Fluid Worlds Workshop: Crafting Futures with Women Who Futures

Hey there, fellow future enthusiasts! Buckle up because we're about to take you on a wild ride through the captivating journey of speculative storytelling at our Fluid Worlds workshop, a part of the groundbreaking Women Who Future(s) event.

You can still RSVP for the two-day event
📆 March 14-15 https://lnkd.in/gK7cg5Qt (a few sessions left today)
📆 March 21-22 https://lnkd.in/gHBsauQh

First off, let's give a round of applause to all the incredible participants who truly stepped up their game in envisioning alternative futures. We dove headfirst into the realm of speculation, using the innovative 2x2 scenario matrix to explore four distinct pathways intertwining gender dynamics and familial structures.

Results from Fluid Worlds workshop

Now, let's journey through some snippets from the workshop that encapsulate the creative energy and thought-provoking narratives we encountered:

Marjolein: Futures Ecologist and Speculative Designer Marjolein, our guide through the vast landscape of possibilities, led us into the depths of machine-imagined worlds and more-than-human ecologies. With her expertise, we delved into scenarios where identities transcend traditional boundaries, paving the way for interconnectedness and shared consciousness.

Amritha: The AI Animator with a Philosophical Twist Amritha's exploration of AI dreaming about the future sparked our imaginations. Through her lens, we pondered the intricate dance between technology and humanity, envisioning futures where norms shift, and societal structures evolve in unexpected ways.

Results from Fluid Worlds workshop

Four Fluid Scenarios for the Future From "More-Than-Human Equality" to "Connected Pluralarchy," we navigated through realms where gender norms blur, families redefine themselves, and communal bonds reign supreme. Each scenario painted a vivid picture of a world where societal paradigms undergo radical transformations, challenging our perceptions and inviting us to embrace diversity in all its forms.

Prototyping the Future: Tales of Lena, Nadja, and Kasia Through Lena's journey of embracing communal living, Nadja's quest to challenge gender norms, and Kasia's exploration of interconnected tribes, we witnessed the power of storytelling in shaping our collective imagination. These prototypes illuminated paths towards futures where acceptance, choice, and collaboration form the bedrock of society.

Embracing Diversity, Shaping Tomorrow As we immersed ourselves in these speculative worlds, one thing became abundantly clear: the future is fluid, dynamic, and inherently shaped by our collective vision. Women Who Future(s) functions as a tapestry bringing together diverse voices to co-create a tomorrow that celebrates inclusivity, innovation, and empathy.

Results from Fluid Worlds workshop

So, here's to the dreamers, the visionaries, and the changemakers who dare to imagine a world beyond the constraints of the present. Together, let's continue to craft narratives that inspire, challenge, and ultimately, pave the way for a more equitable and resilient future.

wondermash offers a space for curious and boundless exploration using insights from trans-disciplinarian research, future speculation and design. Reach out for collaborations and enquiries.


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