
From autonomous robots, via chip implants to deep brain stimulation – the boundaries between human and machine seem to fade. It confronts us with all kinds of challenges and questions, about current as well as future issues. In a series of lectures at Radboudumc I explored the future of biomedical science with a group of Master students. Their stories are bundled in Biomedifuturism.

In this publication biomedical Master students of Radboud umc examine the frontiers of medical biology and explore the ethical, social and cultural issues that arise from the fading boundaries between human (alive and conscious) and machine (non-living and unconscious).

Using the method scifi prototyping, they created fictional futures based on scientific fact for the specific purpose of creatively exploring and iterating how technology and social developments can shape and be shaped by the people who use it and explore its implications on the everyday lives of people. They were asked to write from a first-person perspective and situate the story in the year 2083.

The result is a mosaic of utopian and dystopian stories, of diseases cured forever and technology misused for financial gain. Be inspired by the carefully crafted stories of these students and ask yourself this question: would you want to live in this future?

wondermash offers a space for curious and boundless exploration using insights from trans-disciplinarian research, future speculation and design. Reach out for collaborations and enquiries.


A Short Experiment in Futures Dreaming with AI


AI art is human. And shares the same flaws.