A Pluriverse of Stories ~ Ep4

A Pluriverse of Stories is a somewhat monthly newsletter crammed with mixed-media artwork, speculative stories of alternative nows and speculative futures, curated by wondermash and published on Linkedin. Subscribe now.


Episode 4: Sculpting Time

Final episode of A Pluriverse of Stories on 'Sculpting Time'. We talk about the nature of time (or time as nature), about amcestral practices, jellyfish that move through timw ans ecological calendars as an alternarive practice to timekeeping in the modern world.

Like a snake shedding its skin I am rebirthing wondermash as a platform for Futures Ecologies. Thank you all my 318 subscribers for your attentive reading and support so far! The newsletter A Pluriverse of Stories will receive a new soul and a new skin. See you in the Futures Ecologies.

Discover the ways we are connected to the world around us in the final episode of A Pluriverse of Stories by wondermash.


Designing the future using science fiction


Reimagining how the Dutch are Born in 2100